Industry and services
The ideal digital transformation partner is not only an expert in theory and technology but also in its customer’s industry. Our consultants are familiar with the processes, priorities and challenges of these eight focus industries.
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Manufacturing companies
proMX has long been focused on supporting manufacturing companies with their digital transformation.
About us
proMX is your digitalization partner. Our goal is to help you transform your processes to make your business more agile, efficient and competitive. As a Microsoft Partner we are both extremely experienced and well-connected.
More about proMX
Our mission
All companies strive to digitalize and optimize their processes, and thus become more productive.
Staufen AG

Staufen AG is a business consultancy firm focused on Lean Management. It offers consulting and training services to businesses and employees from different industries worldwide.


At first the collaboration between Staufen and proMX was dictated by necessity. It has since continued due to a strategic decision by the Swabian company. When Staufen first approached the Microsoft partner, it was looking for a competent partner to help it overcome the inefficiency caused by its numerous different software solutions. With the assistance of the proMX team, Staufen implemented Microsoft Dynamics CRM and the compatible proMX developed project management solution proRM Fast Start. “Improved project control and powerful reporting have enabled us to access data in real-time, quickly schedule available capacities and react in an agile manner to demands,” reports IT manager Lars Ziegler.

This, however, was only the beginning of Staufen’s digitization. Today, it has completely devoted itself to cloud computing. The digitization of its consultancy approach has been a conscious decision, an important pillar of its internationalization and crucial to fulfill its customer mission. A modern, entirely cloud based IT has become an integral part of its business model.

This transformation has also meant that all legacy applications have been replaced and that the company is using the same tools in all locations around the world. Staufen chose Microsoft among four different technology providers – and with it Power BI, Office 365 with Skype4Business, Teams and SharePoint.

This modern technology has improved collaboration both with customers as well as internally. “With Office 365 we provide each employee with an attractive digital workplace. It also simplifies our collaboration because we can access tools from anywhere and at any time. proMX’s experts have supported us with best practices.”
