Industry and services
The ideal digital transformation partner is not only an expert in theory and technology but also in its customer’s industry. Our consultants are familiar with the processes, priorities and challenges of these eight focus industries.
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Manufacturing companies
proMX has long been focused on supporting manufacturing companies with their digital transformation.
About us
proMX is your digitalization partner. Our goal is to help you transform your processes to make your business more agile, efficient and competitive. As a Microsoft Partner we are both extremely experienced and well-connected.
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Our mission
All companies strive to digitalize and optimize their processes, and thus become more productive.

hhpberlin – Ingenieure für Brandschutz stands for innovation like few other businesses in Germany. Since its founding in 2000, the company has been practicing next generation fire engineering.


When in 2013 hhpberlin decided to digitize its extensive project paper trails, it partnered with Microsoft Partner proMX. With joined forces they implemented Microsoft Dynamics CRM which brought order into hhpberlin’s customer relationships and enabled it to mange them more efficiently. Additionally, it also allowed the 200 strong team to centralize the enormous amounts of data accumulated in its projects with builders, architects and authorities. Now the entire team can access this knowledge base at any time from any place.

The decision to implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM represented the kickoff for a wave on continous innovation in the company. The customer relationship management system got the ball rolling, which now can no longer be stopped.

The decision in favor of cloud technology was made early on. This means hhpberlin soon switched from Dynamics CRM On Premises to Dynamics Online and later to Dynamics 365, also using Azure services and SaaS offerings like Office 365. According to CEO Stefan Truthän, migrating to the cloud lifted hhpberlin to an entirely new level of efficiency and success: “We were able to completely transform our solutions and services and unite them on one platform, which is based entirely on Azure and is integrated with Dynamics 365. With the services we can now offer, we have managed to win new customers.”
